In the previous blog entry I shared about the painting, titled 'Sorry' I had recently finished.
Today I'd like to share the painting process I used. It is what I call the reverse tone and texture approach. It is a process I enjoy and have used successfully with wildlife, gnarled gumtrees and portraits. Try it yourself with any subject where you would like texture to be a feature.
if you would like a pdf of the demonstration, so that you can try somthing similar, it can be downloaded from the resources page.
1.This approach begins with a toned canvas, usually a dark colour. The canvas can be a previously textured using thick paint, impasto medium or modelling compound.
Use a chalk drawing in a contrasting colour to map out the composition
2. With white paint, or white paint mixed with impasto medium or modelling compound create a tonal map. Tonal variation is created by using thinned white paint for the darker tones and thick white for the lightest tones. If the paint is applied thickly it may be necessary to leave the painting to dry for several hours before going on to the next stage of adding colour.
4. Once the first layer of paint is dry, colour is added. This may be in thin, transparent layers using washes or glazes, or with thick, opaque layers of paint depending on the effect you are trying to achieve
5. The painting is developed by continually adjusting tone and colour, and adding details until it is finished to your satisfaction.
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martha (Wednesday, 26 June 2013 11:48)
Wow..Thank you for posting. I got your info from Richard's web site. The title of your demo say's it all. Martha Montalvo